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Experience deeper levels of peace and health than you ever imagined possible. Give yourself permission to rest and restore, tapping into new sources of energy. This inspired, meditative practice requires nothing of you but to lie down and listen. Be supported, held, and nourished, as you discover profound peace and vibrant health.

Yoga Nidra has the power to transform you at core levels. This meditation systematically guides you through each layer of being, called the koshas, which include the physical, energetic, mental, emotional, and spiritual layers, making this healing practice inclusive of your whole being.

Yoga Nidra:

  • Is meditative, soothing, and calming

  • Is heart-opening and cultivates self-compassion

  • Activates your dormant healing energy

  • Transforms limiting core beliefs leading to feeling increased possibility

In these sessions, you will rest in stillness, lying down in savasana relaxation pose or in a seated position, while I guide you into the core of your being. Here, you will connect with your innate ability to heal and restore to your natural state of well-being.

Yoga Nidra is for anyone with a desire for greater inner peace and connection with one's self. This practice has been used successfully to aid insomnia, anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, pain, and many other issues. If you are interested in experiencing this healing practice, I invite you to send a message on the Connect page.

Benefits of the Practice

Yoga Nidra induces the relaxation response, your body's healing state where revitalization and regeneration occur. Your body knows exactly what to do to attain - and maintain - perfect health and equilibrium, but you need to turn on the healing switch. Yogic sleep brings us effortlessly, compassionately, and rapidly out of the fight-or-flight state and into the healing state.


Research conducted at well-recognized universities and medical centers including Stanford University, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Ohio State University, Medical College of Ohio, Banaras University and others, shows that regular practice of yoga nidra offers a viable means of prevention and reversal of numerous ailments and diseases, including cardiovascular, stress-related illness, chronic pain, and psychosomatic conditions.